Refugio Kunstwerkstatt

Art pedagogic groups for children and teenagers with experience of displacement

The art factory has been working with children and teenagers with migration background according to the principles of art pedagogy. At the moment, around 500 children and teenagers visit us on a regular basis. Once a week we offer groups for sculptural design, music and photography. In addition, we organize exhibitions, concerts and workshops.

The open groups for teenagers are taking place in our new space at KUNSTLABOR 2 in Dachauerstraße 90.


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Refugio art factory is part of Refugio München, a centre for counselling and treatment of people with experience of displacement.

Art, whether painting, music, dance or theatre, offers people a unique opportunity to express themselves and to tell their story in a global language.

In the art factory children and teenagers can express their strengths and capabilities, their courage and phantasy, their ideas of life and look ahead to the future. We accompany them a part of the way, boost their self-esteem and acknowledge their strength.