Refugio Munich cares for refugees with psychological problems.
Some people often feel bad. One reason could be psychological problems.
These can be signs:
- You can’t fall asleep or are often awake for a long time at night.
- You have bad dreams.
- You have experienced bad things. The memory of them hurts a lot.
- You often have headaches.
- You can’t concentrate.
- You often forget things.
- Sometimes you get very angry. Then you become loud and aggressive. In these situations you cannot control yourself well.
- You have no strength to do things. Everything is difficult for you. You would prefer to do nothing at all.
- You do not enjoy life and beautiful things.
Do you have one or more of these problems? Are the reasons for your problems bad experiences in your home country or on the run? For example, war or torture?
Then you should seek for help. For example at Refugio Munich.
You can undergo psychotherapy at Refugio. During psychotherapy, you can talk about your problems. We think together: What helps you with your problems? You can always talk to us in therapy in your mother tongue.
You can call Refugio and ask your questions on the phone.
We have a counseling phone, every Monday from 10-12 or Thursday from 14-16: 089/9829570.
Registration for psychotherapy at Refugio München for children up to 17 years
Children and adolescents up to 17 years can alwas register. Either in person, by phone or by email.
- by phone: Monday 10-12 o’clock, Thursday 14-16 o’clock, Telephone number: 089/9829570
- By email at any time:
You will need to fill out this registration form:
registration form children up to 12 years (in German)
registration form children 13 to 17 years (in German)
Registration for psychotherapy at Refugio München for adults
Adults can register twice a year. The next registration is in october 2024
- You can email us from 1st of october until 31st of october:
- or call on these days, telephone number 089/9829570:
Monday, october 21, 10am-12pm
Thursday, october 24, 2-4 p.m
You will need to fill out this registration form to do so:
registration form for adults (in German)
Unfortunately we cannot offer therapy spaces for everybody who registers, because we always have more registrations than therapy spaces available.
Important Information
Please make an appointment with a psychiatrist before therapy or at the beginning of therapy.
We cannot give everyone a place in therapy. Some people need to seek help elsewhere.
- people who drink a lot of alcohol or take drugs:
Other place for help: Addiction counselling of the city of Munich: 089/ 23347200 - people who have serious illnesses (e.g. schizophrenia or bipolar disorder):
Other place for help: family doctor or psychiatrist. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVB) helps to find a doctor: - people who have a health insurance card and speak good German:
Help with finding a therapy place: ask the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: 0921/78776540410 - people who have a health insurance card and speak good English:
Help with finding a therapy place: Ask the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: 0921/78776540410
You can also ask your social services. Together with the social services you can find the right help.